BrewDog and the World Beer Awards

Publicado - 30.09.2014
Comments (13)
This week we got some incredibly exciting news. We are super psyched to announce we scored three Golds and one Silver in the World Beer Awards 2014! All four beers we entered won in their categories, and we're stoked to get this kind of recognition for some of our most popular brews.
The beers that we received awards for are:

Five AM Red Ale – World’s Best Amber Ale 2014

Libertine Black Ale – Europe’s Best Black IPA

Punk IPA – Silver Europe's Pale Beer
The World Beer Awards are one of the biggest and most influential beer honours on planet Earth, judged blind by some of the most trained, discerning palates in the industry. Over four gruelling tasting rounds, submitted beers are judged on a variety of factors, and the top scorer in each region and style is crowned best in that criteria bracket, moving it onto the next round.
These awards are a credit to our ongoing commitment to making awesome beer, packed to the rafters with flavour, aroma, character and attitude. We entered these four beers as they are prime examples of this, and we're proud of how often we see them bowl away guests in our bars. Consistency and quality are massively important to us, and we will continue to work our paws off to create wonderful beer that raises eyebrows and excites tastebuds.
This is awesome, but we can always do better. Our focus is on making the best beer we possibly can, and making other people as passionate about craft beer as we are. We’re not going to stop until we have fundamentally changed the way beer is perceived. And then we’ll keep going.
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