Today we are going to look forward to the beers we will be releasing next year, but 2016 has seen our world-beating brewhouse team light up the world of craft beer with some amazing releases. Jet Black Heart, Kingpin, the return of Blitz, Restorative Beverage for Invalids and Convalescents, our revamped Abstrakt series, the unique LIVE Beer release of Dead Pony Club and much more.

But 2017 is set to be even better.

As with all our beers, we stand or fall based on the quality of what is in your glass – stand by for our Ellon brewhouse update as to how exactly we are doing that – but in the meantime, here’s how your drinking year is set to shape up…

2017 Headliners:

Punk IPA
Dead Pony Club
5AM Saint
Jet Black Heart

With the last two beers on that list arriving in 2016, our Headliners are locked and loaded for next year. Covering the bases of different styles they are our go-to beers, delivering amazing levels of flavour whether you are after a session pale ale or an oatmeal milk stout. We are psyched to have dialled in our Headliners to where they currently are – look out for a continuing focus on their quality throughout 2017.

2017 Tuned:

Vagabond Gluten-Free
Nanny State

The success of these two beers has been amazing – Nanny State we simply can’t brew fast enough as the idea that alcohol-free equates to taste-free is blown out of the water. The other Tuned release Vagabond is also doing really well – although we are considering giving the beer more body and depth of hop flavour whilst retaining the all-important gluten-free aspect. So we may potentially amp it up to Vagabond Gluten-Free IPA (leave us your thoughts below!).

2017 Amplified:

Jack Hammer
Elvis Juice
Cocoa Psycho

Fans – and there are many – of our intergalactic imperial stout needn’t be concerned about its absence from our 2017 Amplified range; we have moved Tokyo* to a more fitting stable as part of our High Octane releases. Jack Hammer, Elvis Juice and Cocoa Psycho remain, but Hardcore IPA will be discontinued. Time has overtaken our original Double IPA – it is a beer more suited to 2007 than 2017 when you look at the world of highly hopped big-hitters. So we have decided to retire it. However…

2017 High Octane:

Dog F
Born to Die
Hop Shot
Tactical Nuclear Penguin

For our tenth anniversary, we are brewing up the big guns. Paradox, TNP and Tokyo* are ongoing ordnance, and in 2017 will be joined by Hop Shot (stay tuned for more details on that innovative throwback). And then there’s Born to Die. To fill the Hardcore void we have decided to truly unleash the promise shown by Born to Die and raise the ABV from 8.5% to around 9.5%, making it the juiciest, most resinous Double IPA in the UK. And then get it to your hands as quickly as possible.

2017 Seasonals:

Hop Fiction
Electric India

Yes, you read that correctly Zeitgeist fans – our black lager is back in the bigtime, becoming our seasonal release for January to March 2017. The winter seasonal at the other end of the year will also be looked at again – but the other adjustment for this range is how we will bring them to you. For 2017 our seasonals will be released on draft and packaged in 330ml cans and 660ml bombers – so you can take them to a park or picnic, or open one to share at home.

2017 Wild Cards and Abstrakt:

Semi-Skimmed Occultist
Nine to Five Wizard
Pump-Action Poet
Kamikaze Knitting Club

No, really. So in 2017 we are looking to standardise how – and when – we release our small-batch beers. Every quarter we will be releasing a wild card from the list above (the actual order may change), in 330ml cans. At the same time we will look to release the latest Abstrakt, on the same day. So in one fell swoop you’ll be able to get your hands on two limited releases showcasing the innovation of our brewery team – one to drink right away and another to age.


We'll bring you fully up to date with the progress on our forthcoming Sour beer facility on Friday as part of our Ellon update (spoiler alert - the plot of land over the road is living on borrowed time); but in terms of the beers that will be emanating from the site, we have a lot of amazing plans. For years we have wanted to do sours justice - but for years we have known that to do so requires a specialised facility, a lot of different types of wooden barrels, and a whole lot of time. Well, in 2017 we will have all of these, so get ready for BrewDog Farmhouse ales, more Berliner Weisse and beers highlighting the majesty of Brettanomyces and wild yeast. More on Friday!

Aside from the specific beers in the list above in 2017 we will continue our quest to spread the good word about great beer. As a result we are looking to brew more bespoke beers for specific craft beer festivals, and will do this by extending our Pilot Kit (more on that on Thursday). Also, following its trial-run in July we are set to relaunch our real ale for modernists LIVE Beer, and elsewhere in our beer planning we have a very, very special release planned for April and our tenth birthday.

As we said earlier, this is a draft plan at the moment so let us know your thoughts, questions and suggestions by leaving a comment below. Rest assured, we will continue to make the best beer possible and focus on flavour, quality and freshness above all else. And we will then give you the recipes so that you can have a go at home (DIY Dog will also return in 2017).

Stand by tomorrow for a look at BrewDog bars in 2017!

James M 15.11.2016 @ 6:25am
More Dogma please!
Bdog 01.11.2016 @ 10:04am
Nanny in a can, please.
Chris 30.10.2016 @ 7:43pm
Resurrect the Libertine, never should have been laid to rest in the first place, don't want to see either Monk, Black or Chili Hammer follow suit to a premature end.
Annelieke 30.10.2016 @ 7:00pm
YES!!! Please continue with your gluten free beers!!! Every bar I go to I tell them to add this to their menu, it is such a great beer and gluten free craft beers are so rare. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to once taste a barrel-aged gluten free beer, perhaps something for in the future....???

Whatever you do, keep going gluten free! You make me, and many others, very happy! :D:D
Lloyd 30.10.2016 @ 8:22am
All sounds great - would be good to see Arcade Nation on there too! One of my favourites!!
Fairzo 29.10.2016 @ 2:59pm
Can we have a vote about Hardcore? Devastating news.
Keith 29.10.2016 @ 1:46pm
Another vote to keep Hardcore IPA/Mr President on board I'm afraid. Seems like you might've underestimated how many of us need it in our lives!
Mark Mullins sr 29.10.2016 @ 12:39pm
Such great beers you have....I was curious as to how your brewery build In the U.S. was going........( I,m in driving distance to it!!!)
Dan 29.10.2016 @ 12:10pm
Vagabond IPA sounds great. A couple of other GF beers would be great too. Also, black IPA please.
@BeerMeLDN 27.10.2016 @ 6:00pm
Would love to see 5AM Saint LIVE!
Nick T 27.10.2016 @ 5:00pm
@Brewdog Rich @ Ian B

I can see both sides of the fence and like Ian B I lament the loss of such a Brewdog fan "staple"... I can see how in a delicious sea of beer, this wave went unridden more recently, in favour of the newer style variations.

But as with all good retirements, surely a final testimonial match is in order?! Is the door open for any remaining kegs to be released in the bars on the same day? An "It's hardcore to say goodbye" if you would
BrewDog Rich 27.10.2016 @ 3:13pm
Ian B - That's an interesting comparison. Arrogant Bastard may not be Stone's flagship in name, but it knocks their Pale Ale aside when it comes to influence, popularity and as a mirror to their philosophy as a brewery. For us, the equivalent would be Punk IPA - one of the other beers we have been brewing since 2007 and will continue to do so. Your point about carrying the ethos of Arrogant Bastard into other beers is a good one - and this is what we are doing with Born to Die, as it evolves into the beer that will really take the spirit of Hardcore IPA forwards.
Jeff 27.10.2016 @ 3:07pm
Keep Cocoa Psycho coming, that's all I care about
Ian B 27.10.2016 @ 2:19pm
uhhhmmmm, hardcore ipa is going away because it feels 'dated'????? Stone still produce Arrogant Bastard which has been around since 1997, and they turned that into a sub-brand called 'Arrogant Brewing' where the ethos of that beer is being carried into other new beers such as their new Arrogant Pilsner giving it new life.

You could have done what Stone did with its Pale Ale or IPA, or even Ruination with Hardcore ...... /sigh
tucola 27.10.2016 @ 1:35pm
+1 for a Black IPA in the range. I know it's not such a thing as it was a few years ago, but I like the style.

If it was Black Hammer, I'd be very happy with that.
Graham 27.10.2016 @ 1:03pm
I'm pretty bummed that there doesn't seem to be a black IPA on here. Libertine was what got me into the style.
Ross - London N8 27.10.2016 @ 12:48pm
Sounds like a pretty good plan, looking forward so trying some of the new beers and hearing about the 10th anniversary editions/additions.
Rich N 27.10.2016 @ 12:13pm
Second the idea of Jet Black Heart in nitro bottles (would love to have the option of either in my stocks), JBH is almost up there with Left Hand's Milk Stout (my very favourite dark beer, thanks for selling that in the UK, made me ecstatic when I discovered that on your site), and that's great on Nitro too.

Would be very upset if you made Vagabond an IPA only - I love the pale ale version that it is right now, there's nothing in that genre that comes close since most craft breweries focus heavily on IPAs and I love the more subtle option.
BrewDog Rich 27.10.2016 @ 11:31am
Ricey - Nothing cynical about it, we've been brewing Hardcore IPA for ten years and times have moved on. It may return as a one-off but we say that about all of our beers - and our new version of Born to Die will be waaaay better than New Coke ;)

Mr Brown - Yes, we're hoping to brew Cocoa Psycho with more regularity next year
Ricey 27.10.2016 @ 11:13am
Dropping Hardcore? I smell a Coke Classic fanfare return going on here. We'll want it back and "ta-da!" - here it is, restored due to punk demand. Or am I too cynical? I need a beer, Señor Presidente seems appropriate.
Monika 27.10.2016 @ 10:58am
Massively excited about the sour beers!
I would love to have seen the return of Dogma in 2017. But if DIY Riptide is anything to go by, we should be able to produce a nice batch ourselves :-)
Vivi 27.10.2016 @ 7:48am
Hardcore will be missed but luckily Born To Die might help me through these hard times. And very happy to hear about Zeitgeist!
Barry Beer 27.10.2016 @ 5:54am
Would love to see you guys produce a more regularly available Black IPA , Libertine is so good seems a waste not to ramp up on this one.

Mr.President has also disappeared from all of my local Tesco stores. I actually thought this was something Brewdog had decided to do discontinue.
Boyd 27.10.2016 @ 12:02am
I second the requests for Bourbon Baby (I'm having to ration myself to one bottle a week due to my depleting stock) and Arcade Nation to be released throughout the year.
GoHardOrGoElsewhere 26.10.2016 @ 11:33pm
Discontinuing Hardcore is a massive mistake in my opinion- it has for many years been my favourite beer due to its high strength, full bodied, sweet tones and there is nothing out there from any brewery that really compares. In a world of tried and tested IPA variations it is a standout double IPA with a truly unique character and unless this born to die upgrade steps up in a big way, this will leave a massive hole in the line up. Poor.
Doug 26.10.2016 @ 10:43pm
No arcade nation. This makes me sad.
Adi 26.10.2016 @ 10:16pm
Skipping Nanny state and Vagabond that is absolutely the list I hoped to see. And looking just on TNP and Tokyo* I realised 2017 is going to be awesomly awesome. Thank you!
DP 26.10.2016 @ 10:15pm
Any black ipa?
Mr Brown 26.10.2016 @ 9:32pm
You can't have Cocoa Psycho as part of your amplified range if it's never available as it hasn't been for the last year or more. Is this going to change?
Sluggy 26.10.2016 @ 5:38pm
Agree with Jordi, don't forget the Pumpkin King next Autumn!
Stephan Palmer 26.10.2016 @ 4:57pm
Sounds good to me, would welcome a new porter, but loving the Zeitgeist
Rob Ford 26.10.2016 @ 4:52pm
No Hardcore? Perhaps just as well !
NoddyAsh 26.10.2016 @ 3:35pm
Live Punk IPA please.
Badger 26.10.2016 @ 3:23pm
But no more Hardcore means no more I hardcore you, and worse - no more Ripcore :(
Jimmy 26.10.2016 @ 3:21pm
Born To Die in 500ml cans instead of 660ml bottles please!
BrewDog Rich 26.10.2016 @ 2:48pm
Jay - Did you read about our plans for Born to Die? ;)
Jay 26.10.2016 @ 2:47pm
NO!! Don't abandon Hardcore IPA. Double or even Triple IPAs still have their place in my fridge
Ian G 26.10.2016 @ 2:41pm
5am in cans please!

Any chance that the AGM will have a couple of kegs of old favourites on tap like trashy blonde?

It would be good to have small batch runs every month for some like BA Albino Squid Assasin, Bourbon Baby and Libertine.
Colin C 26.10.2016 @ 2:23pm
Monk Hammer has to return at least periodically and maybe along with Black Hammer too.

Ps. I mistakenly read "Raise the ABV" as the name of the new Born To Die - there's a new name if you want to make it last longer in future!
Paul 26.10.2016 @ 1:57pm
Really hope Arcade Nation gets an other outing ! Chilli Hammer also .
Pumpkin king should be a Seasonal main stay !
Hop Fiction can't wait for this in cans....

Keep up the good work DogTeam
Jeffery 26.10.2016 @ 1:50pm
Black hammer for life!
Clashcityrock 26.10.2016 @ 1:29pm
No Candy Kaiser in 2017?????

Pete H 26.10.2016 @ 1:23pm
Farewell Hardcore IPA. It was great while you lasted ....
But, Mr President is still with us, and a new bigger & stronger Born To Die. Brilliant !

The Wildcards information has a photo of RBIC, but no mention of it.
Please keep making this, as I still haven't done my blind tasting of RBIC vs. BTD, my two favourite Brewdog beers.

Great to see you haven't forgotten Tokyo*, but please can we have the 18.2% version back.
Got me curious about Hop Shot.

Please tell us that you are doing Live Punk IPA for your tenth anniversary !

@Paddy - Trashy Blonde was on draught at Nottingham Brewdog last week. It was like meeting an old friend afters years apart ....
Ken Still 26.10.2016 @ 1:14pm
Vagabond IPA gluten free? Yes please! Would love to see your company becoming a proper trailblazer for gluten free beers, I thought you might have done more in this respect to be honest
anonymous 26.10.2016 @ 1:01pm
Good to see Jack hammer & Elvis juice.

Any chance of a Monk Hammer making a return??
Allan 26.10.2016 @ 12:52pm
Still no Libertine then? What Black IPA will you be doing?
Andrew 26.10.2016 @ 12:49pm
5am Saint in cans please!

Jet Black Heart in nitro bottles for hard pouring would be cool.
Droyer 26.10.2016 @ 12:43pm
Please tell me you are including the United States in your distro plans for this outstanding menu!!
Kevin 26.10.2016 @ 12:43pm
What about Albino Squid Assassin, Shipwreck and Bourbon Baby?
Adrian 26.10.2016 @ 12:42pm
Glad to see a lot of my favourites there, especially Jack Hammer (simple but very very effective) - I'd love to see Black Hammer make another guest appearance soon.
Peter Truin 26.10.2016 @ 12:38pm
I would like you to sell "Beer is Art" T shirts again, please.
Paddy 26.10.2016 @ 12:37pm
Bring back Trashy Blonde
BrewDog Rich 26.10.2016 @ 12:32pm
Cesarsampaio - The first one on the list will be out early doors in the new year, so stand by for more info very soon on Semi-Skimmed Occultist!

Phil Brown - Did you try Neon Overlord? That was actually hotter than Chili Hammer, imo

Allan - Yes, Mr President will continue

Stephen - a white IPA, great idea!
ElChimpador 26.10.2016 @ 12:29pm
RIP HxC :(
:D 26.10.2016 @ 12:17pm
Tsk, I wish a comeback of Alpha Pop, but more Hop Fiction is better :D
No more IPL? It was great too.
Cesarsampaio 26.10.2016 @ 12:11pm
Any chance of a bit more info on what the wildcards actually are? The names give little away.. also, doing any single-hops?
John Chester 26.10.2016 @ 12:04pm
What about Albino Squish Assassin?
Jordi 26.10.2016 @ 11:58am
We want some Pumpkin King! Tastiest pumpkin beer ever!
Jarryd 26.10.2016 @ 11:58am
Lets see Elvis Watt and Elvis Dickie in Australia! Brewdogs Australia would be an awesome TV Show!
Phil Brown 26.10.2016 @ 11:56am
Please make some more Chili Hammer or similar. Ideally a bit hotter. Something like Naga Hammer would be great!
Rich B 26.10.2016 @ 11:50am
Plenty more collab brews with omnipollo, tool, cloudwater etc, also the guest boards need re-imagined, regulars to the bars love an alternative to your own brews. Cheers.
Russell 26.10.2016 @ 11:49am
Please say Mr President will be staying too.
JonM 26.10.2016 @ 11:46am
Santa Paws for the winter seasonal please.

And pretty please stick a large quantity of it in bourbon wood as my stocks of Bourbon Baby will be pretty depleted by then.
M@ 26.10.2016 @ 11:44am
Will you guys be sorting your recent drought of on tap Elvis Juice?! Brewdog Norwich hasn't had any for a while now...
Allan 26.10.2016 @ 11:44am
Hardcore going... But will Mr President still be brewed for Tesco?
Robin Felton 26.10.2016 @ 11:42am
Forget the wax seals on the Abstrakt series they're a pain to open!
Philip Cavanagh 26.10.2016 @ 11:42am
But I loved hardcore IPA????
Stephen 26.10.2016 @ 11:38am
Super stoked for this! Loving the idea of a beefed up BTD.

Would love to see some hoppy wheat beers added - perhaps even a white IPA?
Thacko 26.10.2016 @ 11:30am
New Born To Die, brilliant.

And huge fan of the Vagabond IPA idea, yes please.

Jason 26.10.2016 @ 11:28am
Vagabond, please amp it up with more hops and more alcohol content too. I'd love you to do a solid GF IPA that is up there with Stone Delicious IPA (7.7). Hell just do us a GF Jackhammer please????????????????
Hoff Man Hoff Biscuit 26.10.2016 @ 11:23am
Døes this meän we will finally get Brett Hammer?
Be Like Mike 26.10.2016 @ 11:11am
Where to start with that list? jesus. Sours and a bigger badder Born To Die sound incredible