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It’s been a couple of months since we twisted open a few hatches and shone a torch into what we have maturing in our brewhouse, so it’s high time for another update on the beers that will shortly (or not so shortly) be making their way into your glasses! Our amazing brew team has been working wonders for your enjoyment – specifically, these… 


This Tank update isn’t just a distant precursor of things to come; beers that you’ll have to buy next year’s diary for. Our packaging team have worked their usual magic, and we have two brand new releases that have been consigned to bottle and are available right now in our online shop. These beers will also be launching on draught in our UK Bars at 6pm this coming Friday (the 24th of July).

Elvis Juice

Buy Elvis Juice online here

The first of these is our citrus IPA Elvis Juice; an American IPA with added orange and grapefruit zest. Also mashed in with a liberal dose of Munich malt, the resultant toasty, bready backbone provides the perfect backdrop for the pithy citrus fruit, right from the off.

The very next step was (in true BrewDog style) to pound it with hops - whirlpool-hop additions of Centennial, Amarillo and Simcoe to bolster the citrus flavours and bring a huge amount of zesty, pithy flavours to the party. It’s one of the most upfront beers we have brewed to date, and a perfect July release.

Having already left the building, it's sure to be popular - but fear not, more is on the way already. Get ready to add Elvis Juice to the soundtrack of your summer!

#MashTag 2015

Buy #MashTag 2015 online here

The second beer to hit the virtual shelves today and the bar-shelves this Friday is the ultimate fusion of beer and democracy; our crowd-sourced liquid consensus that is #MashTag. 

The 2015 iteration was - as with its previous counterparts - decided by you, and has again resulted in a complex beer that really delivers a variety of flavours from the start. A black barley wine brewed with vanilla beans and toasted oak chips, #MashTag 2015 is hopped with Columbus, Centennial, Nugget, Simcoe and Willamette, bringing a blast of fruit and pine to layer alongside the dark resonance from the malt bill.


Bastard Hits the Road

It’s hard to corral a free spirit. Stone Brewing Co knows this better than anyone; the angry young thing that is Arrogant Bastard being a prime example. Sometimes, you just have to let go. And we – or more accurately – you – will be the beneficiaries. As this very particular Bastard frees the bounds of Southern California and spreads its wings, BrewDog is one of the lucky few breweries that will be proudly adopting it.

Yes, we are one of a select handful of global breweries that has been entrusted with brewing Arrogant Bastard in our facility – a 100HL batch, no less – for sale exclusively on draught in our network of BrewDog bars. As collaborations go this is a significant, unique situation. Steve and Greg’s progeny is in our hands. But our brewers are more than up to the task.

If you want to discover what we’ve done with Stone’s iconic Arrogant Bastard – then stay tuned. 


Jack Hammer

Since the first cans clunked into place at the foot of the production line, we just haven’t been able to make enough of our ruthless 7.2% IPA for this newest medium. It’s been insane. We should have expected it though, given how many of you requested we put Jack Hammer in metal on the announcement of our canning line. Well, another batch is currently under dry hop – and boy, does this beer push that phrase to the very limits…


Imperial Saison

Electric India; Black Jacques; Everyday Anarchy - what do they have in common? Yep, got it in one. Saisons are becoming one of our favourite styles to brew, and our latest is destined for the beer equivalent of a gap year. Barrels love imperial saisons as much as they love stouts – the transformative effects of the wood and  resident spirit can be so astonishing that the beer emerges unrecognisable alongside its pre-barrel form.

Our latest imperial saison is currently on maturation, meaning it’ll reside in tank for a little longer, making its way to our barrel store only when we’re satisfied it’s hit the pinnacle of awesomeness. Until we’ve aged it in barrel of course. 


Having a period of reflection, we have the latest in our Abstrakt series of beers; AB:19. The last to be issued in the familiar champagne-style bottle (look for AB:20 to sport an entirely new look), it is undoubtedly one of the most complex Abstrakt’s that we have produced to date. A blend of an imperial and black saison, aged in rum and bourbon barrels, the confluence of flavours is really something. Once the final maturation has taken place and the balance reaches optimum levels, it will be on its way to your favourite tasting glass.


‘Future Paradox’

Six months is a long time in brewing – unless you’re talking about barrel-ageing. The concept of time takes on a very different meaning when dealing with wood – as the latest iteration of our Paradox series demonstrates. This, the latest to use Cocoa Psycho as a base, has spent that amount of time ageing in Speyside whisky casks – and only now is it just beginning to pick up the warmth from the oak.

With more character still to convey, and currently in that (admittedly appealing) no-man’s-land between Cocoa Psycho and Paradox, this particular beer is still on the clock.

Islay-aged Belgian quad

And then we have this one. If the Future Paradox is ticking away slowly, this particular project is in hibernation. Encased in wood, we have an experimental batch that has been in cask for not just a matter of months; a matter of years.

Belgian quads are a perfect match for the intense flavours of Islay whiskies – the peaty smoke balances beautifully with the sweet, bold edges of the beer. We’re in absolutely no hurry with this one, though, so it will be in the cask for as long as is necessary. Some things, you just can’t rush.

So, from beers out today to those that will be making an appearance several years from now - we've got you covered. Let us know in the comments which of these you'll be looking forward to the most!

You can find out more about investing in BrewDog at

Pete H 27.07.2015 @ 1:09pm
Grammar NS - Good to see the apostrophe police are still out in force ...
Pete H 27.07.2015 @ 1:02pm
I went to try Elvis Juice on Sunday evening at Brewdog Nottingham, and they had sold out !!
How rude ! But, it does show how popular some of the new beers are .....
GRAMMAR NOT SEE 24.07.2015 @ 12:13pm
Actually BrewDog Rich, that one isn't as bad; could be an abbreviated "thumb is down" ;)
BrewDog Rich 24.07.2015 @ 11:31am
Grammar NS - thumb's down for that comment ;)
Grammar Not See 24.07.2015 @ 8:03am
I am sure there shouldn't be an apostrophe in "Abstrakt's" [sic]
Pete H 23.07.2015 @ 1:25pm
I'm with GMAN on this - looking forward to all of these beers ......
Apart from the Imperial Saison. Sorry ! I still don't get it ....

But, more Jackhammer tinnies, more Paradox and more Belgian Quad.
Bring it on .....
Randy 22.07.2015 @ 4:17pm
Elvis juice sounds like my kind of beer. Congratulations on the work with stone. Can't wait for you to come to Columbus the site is 10min from my house
Gman 22.07.2015 @ 3:42pm
There isn't really any of those beers I'm not looking forward to, to be honest
BrewDog Rich 22.07.2015 @ 2:17pm
Martin - Ba-Zing! A Little Less Conversation, thanks ;)

Flex - Thanks, we think it will too!
Nitin 22.07.2015 @ 2:16pm
Looking forwrad to finally trying MashTag :)
Martin 22.07.2015 @ 2:15pm
If I order Elvis Juice and don't like it, can I Return to Sender?
Flex 22.07.2015 @ 1:53pm
The last one sounds the most interesting to me. If the ageing works well as doesn't dominate, it will be interesting to try a Belgian quad with a peaty backdrop
Neil 22.07.2015 @ 1:29pm
Good to see Mashtag finally out - been looking forward to trying it since the voting ended!
Rick 22.07.2015 @ 1:25pm
Woah. Arrogant Bastard from BrewDog>?
Bundy 22.07.2015 @ 1:25pm
Elvis Juice sounds fantastic - can't wait to get some!
Headdy 22.07.2015 @ 1:21pm
So.. about this recipe for Arrogant Bastard.. GIEF PLS!!!!