Publicado - 18.11.2016
Comments (5)
You can invest in BrewDog USA by clicking here www.equityforpunksusa.com
Our army of Equity Punks are the heart and soul of our business and central to everything that we do here at BrewDog. Since Equity for Punks arrived to change the world of small-business finance forever, a lot has changed. What hasn't is the fact that our shareholders are part of an amazing beer-led community and we wouldn't have a brewery without them. We figured the best way to summarise how Equity for Punks has rocked is in the form of an infographic - so here's to everyone who has helped us get where we are today (and where we are headed in future)...
You can invest in BrewDog USA by clicking here www.equityforpunksusa.com
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