The Brewtionary: Part 2

The Brewtionary: Part 2

If you're reading this, perhaps you're looking to expand your knowledge of the brewing process, or perhaps you're an experienced brewer, hoping to catch us out. Well, let us know either way! In the first part of the Brewtionary, we covered ABVIBU, dry-hopping, mashing, the lauter tun, the whirlpool, mouthfeel, fermentation, and wort.

Our journey through the technical terms of brewing continues in this, our next installment of the Brewtionary. Let us continue to be the Obi-Wan to all the craft beer Lukes out there, and teach you in the ways of the force (fermentation)...


Bright beer tank

Once beer has passed through our light filtration process, we store them in this vessel ready for packaging. In some brewpubs you might even find a bright beer tank behind the bar so you can try the beer straight from the tanks. 



Carbonation is the amount of CO2 contained within the beer and can be measured in Grams per Litre or Volumes. Natural carbonation occurs during fermentation when yeast digests sugar and produces CO2, as well as alcohol, as a by-product.



This is a pretty epic name for a tool that is 1 part drill, 2 parts hammer. Used to remove bungs from barrels, the whisky industry calls it a bung extractor, we renamed it and it’s cool now. Stone also have a ka-dunk-a-dunk. Yep, it’s gone global.



The saying goes that brewers are ‘janitors who make beer’. We like to think there’s a little more to it than that, but getting our clean on is still a massive part of the job. Thankfully our fancy new hardware does some of the hard work for us. CIP (cleaning in place) functions in all our equipment to save our brewers playing climbing into tanks and scrubbing by hand.


EBC Colour Standard

The European Brewing Convention (EBC) is the technical and scientific arm of The Brewers of Europe.  They created an analytical standard for measuring beer colour to aid brewers in their brewing consistency. All beers are considered by the EBC Colour Standard to be different shades of red – fact! To work out what colour a beer is, we use a spectrophotometer to shine a light through the brew and measure the absorbance.



This is the density of the beer compared to water. The gravity of the beer is dependent on the quantity of dissolve sugar contained within, and decreases as the sugar is consumed by the yeast. The higher the sugar content in wort, the higher the gravity which means the ABV of the finished beer will be stronger.

Forced fermentation

Forced fermentation is the process of taking a small sample of wort, over-pitching it with yeast and storing it at very warm temperatures with continuous movement. This causes the beer to ferment very fast and allows fermentation analysis to be performed before the full batch has finished fermenting.


Pitching yeast

This is the brewing term for adding yeast to wort to start fermentation. As soon as the yeast is added and fermenting away happily, you’ve made yourself some beer. Congratulations.

 If you have any questions be sure to leave us a comment and one of our seasoned brewers will do their best to answer all your beer-based (and potentially even non beer-based) queries.

filtration curious 22.12.2013 @ 3:15pm
you mention light filtration but you need to expand on this as your beer is very bright and you must be using a sheet filter as well as a centrifuge? can you explain this part more Rob??
Grahamf4 22.12.2013 @ 10:43am
I think explaining what bright beer is would help peoples understanding. Now due to your processes and dispensing method, can we assume that all Brewdog beers are bright?
eric 21.12.2013 @ 11:57am
You talk about natural carbonation. Don`t brewdog force carb all there beer (unnatural carbonation)
Jeffrey S 20.12.2013 @ 1:33am
BrewDog Rob 19.12.2013 @ 4:07pm
Eirik, the benefit of using malt extract is that it is a ready made wort enhancer; it contains fermentable sugars normally found in the malt (e.g. maltose) and it lowers production costs. However, we are not keen on using ready-made ingredients like this; it takes control out of the hands of our brewers; we would rather mash in properly, rather than use the beer equivalent of diluting juice.
Eirik 19.12.2013 @ 3:29pm
What are the pros and cons of using malt extract vs fresh malt?
HopMan 19.12.2013 @ 2:20pm
No mention of hops here. HopMan is disappointed.
lynz 19.12.2013 @ 2:19pm
Janitors who make beer seems a bit harsh!
Joel 19.12.2013 @ 2:18pm
Ah, I wondered what the shark tank actually was!